Grandma's Letters

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

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Before I left for Oklahoma for the first time I asked my grandmother if she would write me if I would write her back. "Well of course I'll write," she stated quite matter-of-factly, as if the question I had just asked was a nonsensical request. Laughing a bit I handed her the new stationary set I had bought her and told her I loved her. My grandmother and I are quite close, so when she writes chicken scratch letters I can barely read because of her arthritic hands, I fall to pieces. When I had asked her to write, she declared to me that it wouldn't be much of anything because nothing goes on in the nursing home. I told her that was fine, she could tell me about the book she happened to be reading at the time and toss in a few stories from her past. She said that would be fine and has been very diligent in her writing. Despite her protests, she seems to find quite a bit to write about. Most of the time I can only read a couple of things (they are the most important part of the letter too!) "Dear Tresa, I love you," and "God be with you, I love you." Those are the parts that matter the most. I was so instant on her writing because I know she misses me, and doesn't get that many visitors, and when she was at home, letter writing was a big thing for her. I want her to be able to have that freedom for as long as she can.
The other day she wrote me and two words were all that I could read of the letter besides the greeting. Just two words showed me that she loves me and she loves God. The two words you may ask? "God hears." Just like that with nothing else around it. God hears.
My grandmother was the first one to show me Christ on a consistent basis...and still today some 400 miles away, she's still doing the same today.

I pray that you have someone in your life who has shown you Christ they way my grandmother has. She's a real blessing in my life and I regret the times I was too ignorant to see that. Thank God for that person in your life, and if you can-let them know how much of an impact they have on you. Today I'm thankful for my grandmother.


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